7 Trends That Will Transform Online Business In The Future 02

7 Trends That Will Transform Online Business In The Future

4. Augmented Reality
The recent progress and innovations in augmented reality have opened whole new avenues for businesses to thrive. A powerful feature of augmented reality called Heads Up Display (HUD) will completely transform how we work, shop and play.

For example, using HUD on eyeglasses, a person can walk around unknown locations or foreign countries by having all the store signs instantly translated into his/her native language.

For online businesses, AR will be extremely helpful. It will customize in-store experiences with mannequins by matching body type and displaying enough virtual inventories. Businesses will create AR experiences with their packaging so that demo videos can appear on them. Not only this, virtual pop-up stores can be built to appear anywhere that crowds are gathered.

5. User Experience
Greater online connectivity combined with more sophisticated smartphones has brought revolutionary changes in people’s lives. From communication to online shopping to even becoming part of a larger sharing economy, technology is playing a critical part in our society.

When it comes to online business, there will be a palpable increase of necessity for incorporating better user experience (UX). A more effective and engaging UX is crucial to making the shift to digital services.

When it comes to online business, the maximum UX is characterized by a user-friendly website that combines seamless navigation, a clean-cut purchasing journey, dynamic and digestible content top-notch customer support, and mobile device compatibility. Thus, a better UX is the key to determining how brands will speak to their customers and deliver their message effectively.

User interface and user experience are going to be crucial factors for the adoption and utilization of online business and enterprise applications.

6. Drones
The use of drones is going to be increased even further in the come years.
Amazon, for example, started public testing of drones with Amazon Air.
Overall, from delivering pizza to aiding search and rescue missions, drones have huge potential.

Microsoft announced at its annual Build developer conference that it was teaming up with DJI, a Chinese drone manufacturer, to create drones for the enterprise. New regulations streamline the process to legally operate a drone for commercial purposes.

Drones or UAVs (Unmanned Airborne Vehicles) will be used by businesses in video and photography, especially for marketing purposes. The promise of goods delivered directly to a customer’s door by drone will only become more real as the technology continues to evolve and its capabilities expand.

7. Voice Search
So far, SEO has been widely used to enhance visibility and ranking of a business website because users have been typing keywords. However, the emerging trend of voice searches is going to pose a challenge to SEO.

In the coming years, more people will be speaking to their devices in order to search for products or services. This will bring a significant change in customers’ preferences, That, in turn, will create a massive shift in the way online businesses interact and communicate. Google’s “Siri” and Amazon’s “Alexa” are just the beginning of this trend.

In Conclusion

The growing innovations in the technological landscape provide a huge potential for companies to overhaul their business strategies for better. From artificial intelligence to augmented reality to personalization of customer experience, these disruptive technologies can completely transform the way businesses will be conducted.

The key takeaways of next-gen tech trends are:
  • AI-based machine learning such as face recognition and emotions simulation will be widely used in industries like robotics.
  • IoT will give new dimensions of connectivity and intelligence to physical infrastructure.
  • Augmented reality will be a boon for the gaming industry and online shopping by providing real-life simulations.
  • Blockchain will give companies a secure, decentralized, and transparent system for business transactions (like smart contracts).
  • High-impact user experience will be delivered rapidly and effectively.
  • Drones will eliminate time and the need for logistics infrastructure to deliver things.
  • Most companies will implement visual and voice product search to their platforms.

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